Flying saucers and the bloodcurdling three men

During the early 1950s, Albert Bender oversaw the International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB), a civilian research group based out of Bridgeport, Connecticut, with a worldwide membership of 1500. In conjunction with the IFSB, Bender published Space Review, a newsletter dedicated to the latest saucer happenings.

In March 1953, the IFSB conducted a group mental telepathy experiment (“Contact Day”) to establish ET contact by transmitting the following mental message:

(Beginning of message) Calling occupants of interplanetary craft. Calling occupants of interplanetary craft that have been observing our planet EARTH. We of IFSB wish to make contact with you. We are your friends, and would like you to make an appearance here on EARTH. Your presence before us will be welcomed with the utmost friendship. We will do all in our power to promote mutual understanding between your people and the people of EARTH. Please come in peace and help us in our EARTHLY problems. Give us some sign that you have received our message. Be responsible for creating a miracle here on our planet to wake up the ignorant ones to reality. Let us hear from you. We are your friends. (End of message.)

In early September 1953—in what would have been the October issue of Space Review—Bender planned to announce the solution of the flying saucers mystery, but before he could do so was visited by three mysterious Men-in-Black (MIBs) who spooked him into silence. Bender delivered the following portentous message in Space Review for his fellow IFSB members to ponder:

“The mystery of the flying saucers is no longer a mystery. The source is already known, but any information about this is being withheld by orders from a higher source. We would like to print the full story in Space Review, but because of the nature of the information we are sorry that we have been advised in the negative. We advise those engaged in flying saucers work to please be very cautious.”

Flying saucers and the three men

an MIB encounter and the strange story of Albert K. Bender

Bender ceased publication of Space Review, closed down IFSB, and retired from ufology. He later revealed to close associates that the solution to the “mystery” was that the U.S.A. would soon fall victim to a massive flying saucers attack! However, this flying saucers attack was not interplanetary, but actually originated from the Earth’s polar regions. Due to this dangerous flying saucers knowledge, Bender was ostensibly hushed up, one of the very first victims of the legendary “Silencers” who have haunted UFO lore ever since. Others have speculated that Bender cooked up the whole caper as a convenient excuse to exit ufology, as the pressures of overseeing IFSB had become too much, perhaps even leading to a psychological meltdown.

In Flying Saucers and the Three Men (1963), Bender recounted his visit by the three mysterious men, whom he says whisked him away to planet Kazik. It was there that he was taken to a room where three exceptionally attractive women “dressed in tight white uniforms” removed his clothing and, as Bender recalled:

“My body suddenly became rigid and I could not move a single muscle…I became frightened…my fright changed to embarrassment as I felt their hands begin to remove my clothing. I could do nothing to stop them, for I was stiff as a board. With great efficacy they removed every piece of my clothing, leaving me naked as the day I was born…[they produced] a vile containing a liquid which they poured over my body. Then the three messaged the liquid into my skin. As they did so my body became warm as if heat were being applied. They messaged every part of my body without exception…”

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One Response

  1. I absolutely love reading everything that is written on your site especially this about the flying saucers. Keep the information coming. I liked it!

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a variety of therapeutic or preventive health-care practices that are not typically taught or practiced in traditional medical communities

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