An area spanning parts of Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky will be the nexus of the solar eclipse of 2024 to occur in the U.S., on April 8 2024.
Because the 2017 eclipse traveled across the country from northwest to southeast and the solar eclipse of 2024 makes its way through the nation from southwest to northeast, the two paths cross each other and create a zone of overlapping totality of almost 9,000 square miles, or roughly the size of New Jersey.
Signs Of The Last Days
FEMA & the New Madrid Fault
signs of the last days
An area spanning parts of Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky will be the nexus of the solar eclipse of 2024 to occur in the U.S., on April 8 2024.
Because the 2017 eclipse traveled across the country from northwest to southeast and the solar eclipse of 2024 makes its way through the nation from southwest to northeast, the two paths cross each other and create a zone of overlapping totality of almost 9,000 square miles, or roughly the size of New Jersey.
Signs Of The Last Days
It’s interesting to note that where these two rare total solar eclipses in just 7 years meet marking an “X” onto America is near the New Madrid fault zone which is six times larger than the San Andreas fault zone in California.
Just over 200 years ago a series of absolutely devastating earthquakes along the New Madrid fault zone opened very deep fissures in the ground, causing the Mississippi River to run backwards in places, and were felt far away on the east coast.
They were the strongest earthquakes ever recorded east of the Rocky Mountains, and scientists tell us that it is only a matter of time before we experience similar earthquakes.
It is believed that those earthquakes shook an area ten times larger than that impacted by the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906. It was said some of the giant cracks that opened up in the ground were up to five miles long, and the stench of fire and brimstone hung in the air for months afterwards.
Prophecy News Watch
So, Clyde Lewis and his wife are listening to Coast to Coast am on July 27, 2017 and the topic of the show that night was on the coming 2017 eclipse, in which the path would be passing through Oregon and ending in South Carolina. More specifically, the eclipse would be passing through Salem, Oregon.
During the show discussion, a caller mentioned some type of connection with Salem, Oregon and Jerusalem. This makes Clyde think ‘hmm’ so he starts searching for other cities in the U.S. also named Salem. What he found was very interesting, if not downright eerie.
Clyde proceeds to open up Google Maps and finds out that Salem, Oregon, Salem, South Carolina, Salem, Kentucky, Salem, Missouri, Salem, Nebraska, Salem, Wyoming and Salem, Idaho were all in the Totality Line! Wow. Coincidence? You don’t really believe in coincidence do you now?
A Tale Of Seven Salems
In addition, remember that the next solar eclipse of 2024 over this area will arrive on April 8, 2024. Of note: the path of the two eclipses will pass over…you guessed it…Salem, Kentucky.
Now, to get even spookier is the fact that this ‘X’ where the two eclipses line up is also the location for the New Madrid Seismic Zone. Not so funny anymore, huh? Especially if you live in this region of the U.S. during the solar eclipse of 2024.
I’m just introducing another aspect of the ‘X Marks The Spot’ theory that’s been introduced.
There’s something even more remarkable about this “double feature.
The path of the eclipse in 2017 went from Northwest to Southeast, from Oregon to South Carolina. It reached its point of greatest duration a few miles south of Carbondale, Illinois. Totality lasted for two minutes and thirty-eight seconds. The solar eclipse of 2024 will wend its way in the opposite direction, from the Northeast to the southwest. There is one point however which will mark the intersection between this year’s eclipse and the solar eclipse of 2024, the meeting of the two different paths across the United States, as if marking the center of a large X.
It is precisely in the very same spot in Illinois where totality – the complete eclipse of the sun – will be repeated for the greatest length of time. That exact point where the 2017 and 2024 lines of totality cross is Cedar Lake in Jackson County, just south of Carbondale.
And, that geographic location has a name. It is called Little Egypt!
How it got its name has a biblical source. It seems that in the mid-19th century there was a famine in northern Illinois. Thankfully, there was a bountiful harvest in the South. So the people in the North said that they felt themselves like the children of Jacob who in a time of famine were forced to go down to Egypt to seek food for their families – and the Carbondale region which saved their lives became known to this day as Little Egypt.
There is an all-important number associated with the Torah account of the Egyptian exile. It was in a prophecy to Abraham that God informed our patriarch of the time that would first bring darkness to his descendants: “You shall surely know that your seed will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and they will enslave them and oppress them, for 400 years” (Genesis 15:13).
A solar eclipse is predicated on that very number. The sun, as the Bible told us, is larger than the moon: “And God made the two great luminaries: the large luminary to rule the day and the small luminary to rule the night…” (Genesis 1:15).] To be exact we know that the sun is exactly 400 times larger than the moon.
How is it possible for the moon, so much smaller, to cover the sun to our eyes in an eclipse? That is because the sun is also 400 times further from us than the moon – a relationship of distance exactly parallel to that of size!
In the mystic tradition of Kabbalah the number 400 is meant to alert us to special meaning. It is the number 40 – the days Moses spent on mount Sinai, the days of the flood, and a host of other spiritually important moments – brought to the tenth power.
The relationship between the sun and the moon and the years predicted for the Egyptian exile share the number 400 so that we be attentive to a powerful divine message. An eclipse, the Talmud teaches us, is a heavenly sign. An eclipse of the moon, the rabbis tell us, is a bad omen for the Jewish people; an eclipse of the sun is a bad sign for the non-Jewish world.
I dare to suggest that an eclipse across the continental United States of America linked to Little Egypt may well serve as a warning to the darkening of the American spirit – for the very same reason the children of Israel ended up in Egypt of old to shortly begin the era of their slavery.
Two Rare Solar Eclipses Cross Over New Madrid Fault Region
Solar eclipse of 2024 April 8 over Mexico, the United States, and Canada
The solar eclipse of 2024 in the Americas comes on April 8, 2024. Totality first touches Mexico, enters the United States at Texas, cuts a diagonal to Maine, and visits the maritime provinces of Canada. is pleased to offer free desktop or Zoom background maps for installing on your computer at Great American Eclipse. It’s a nice graphical addition to help in visualizing the solar eclipse of 2024.
The Most Dangerous Fault Line in The United States
The New Madrid Seismic Zone, sometimes called the New Madrid Fault Line, is a major seismic zone and a prolific source of intraplate earthquakes (earthquakes within a tectonic plate) in the southern and midwestern United States, stretching to the southwest from New Madrid, Missouri.
The New Madrid fault system was responsible for the 1811–12 New Madrid earthquakes and has the potential to produce large earthquakes in the future. Since 1812, frequent smaller earthquakes have been recorded in the area.
Earthquakes that occur in the New Madrid Seismic Zone potentially threaten parts of eight American states: Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Mississippi.
The zone had four of the largest North American earthquakes in recorded history, with moment magnitudes estimated to be as large as 7.0 or greater, all occurring within a three-month period between December 1811 and February 1812. Many of the published accounts describe the cumulative effects of all the earthquakes (known as the New Madrid Sequence); thus finding the individual effects of each quake can be difficult. Magnitude estimates and epicenters are based on interpretations of historical accounts and may vary.
1811–12 New Madrid Earthquake Series
December 16, 1811, 0815 UTC (2:15 a.m.) (M ~7.5) epicenter in northeast Arkansas, probably on the Cottonwood Grove fault; it caused only slight damage to man-made structures, mainly because of the sparse population in the epicentral area. The future location of Memphis, Tennessee was shaken at Mercalli level nine intensity. A seismic seiche propagated upriver and Little Prairie was destroyed by liquefaction. Local uplifts of the ground and the sight of water waves moving upstream gave observers the impression that the Mississippi River was flowing backwards.
At New Madrid, trees were knocked down and riverbanks collapsed. This event shook windows and furniture in Washington, D.C., rang bells in Richmond, Virginia, sloshed well water and shook houses in Charleston, South Carolina, and knocked plaster off of houses in Columbia, South Carolina. In Jefferson, Indiana, furniture moved and in Lebanon, Ohio, residents fled their homes. Observers in Herculaneum, Missouri, called it “severe” and said it had a duration of 10–12 minutes.
Aftershocks were felt every 6-10 minutes, a total of 27, in New Madrid until what was called the Daylight Shock, which was of the same intensity as the first. Many of these were also felt throughout the eastern US, though with less intensity than the initial earthquake.
December 16, 1811, (M ~ 7) sometimes termed the “Dawn Shock” or “Daylight Shock”, 1315 UTC (7:15 am); epicenter in northeast Arkansas.
January 23, 1812, 1515 UTC (9:15 am) M ~7.3); epicenter around New Madrid, although this is disputed. This was probably the smallest of the three main shocks, but resulted in widespread ground deformation, landslides, fissuring, and stream bank caving in the meizoseismal area. Johnston and Schweig attributed this earthquake to a rupture on the New Madrid North Fault. A minority viewpoint holds that this earthquake’s epicenter was in southern Illinois. A 2011 expert panel urged further research to clarify this point, stating that the Illinois hypothesis would mean that an extended section of fault exists, perhaps still loaded and capable of hosting a great earthquake in the future.
February 7, 1812, 0945 UTC (3:45 am); (M ~7.5) epicenter near New Madrid, Missouri. This was the largest event in the series, and it destroyed the town of New Madrid. At St. Louis, Missouri, many houses were severely damaged, and their chimneys were toppled. It appears to have occurred on Reelfoot fault, a reverse fault segment that crosses under the Mississippi River just south of Kentucky Bend and continues to the east as the Lake County Uplift. In this event, uplift along the fault created temporary waterfalls on the Mississippi River, created a wave that propagated upstream, and caused the formation of Reelfoot Lake by damming streams.
Geological Features
The faults responsible for the New Madrid Seismic Zone are embedded in a subsurface geological feature known as the Reelfoot Rift that formed during the breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia in the Neoproterozoic Era (about 750 million years ago). The resulting rift system failed to split the continent, but has remained as an aulacogen (a scar or zone of weakness) deep underground, and its ancient faults appear to have made the Earth’s crust in the New Madrid area mechanically weaker than much of the rest of North America.
This relative weakness is important, because it would allow the relatively small east-west compressive forces associated with the continuing continental drift of the North American plate to reactivate old faults around New Madrid, making the area unusually prone to earthquakes in spite of it being far from the nearest tectonic plate boundary.
A Warning From FEMA
In a report filed in November 2008, the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency warned that a serious earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone could result in “the highest economic losses due to a natural disaster in the United States,” further predicting “widespread and catastrophic” damage across Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and particularly Tennessee, where a 7.7 magnitude quake would cause damage to tens of thousands of structures affecting water distribution, transportation systems, and other vital infrastructure. The earthquake is expected to also result in many thousands of fatalities, with more than 4,000 of the fatalities expected in Memphis alone. The timing has me a little on edge in relation to the solar eclipse of 2024.
New Madrid Seismic Zone
I wrote and posted this article originally in 2018 and then updated in 2020 & I have to reflect back to how I felt and perceived the coming solar eclipse of 2024 at that time. Honestly, the thought of the solar eclipse of 2024 was just another ‘flip of a coin’ to me. In other words, I really didn’t anticipate that much – another solar eclipse, ya know?
Now that I’m updating this article on the solar eclipse of 2024 in June of 2023, the time of my editing has turned another page so this solar eclipse of 2024 will be occurring in only 10 months now. It seemed so far away before.
What has me contemplating deeper within this time is the divide in our nation and the entire world in general. Sure, the United States has been divided as a country before except this time…it seems to be a little more intense since we have other nations that are now nuclear-armed. The threat seems to be closer to home, if something were to go wrong. Plus, as the countdown occurs for the solar eclipse of 2024, it may mean more this time to certain people other than a photo opportunity.
If you believe in prophecy, this thing is REAL. If you don’t know if you believe in prophecy, you’re really thinking about the ‘what if’s’. If you don’t believe in prophecy, you might rethink that so-called belief of yours because you made it all the way to the end of this article.
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Oh my…
The coming eclipse will cross over 8 towns named Nineveh! And we all remember what happened there!
Well, when people cross out something in their
“To Do” list, we all know what THAT means!
I have heard several folks talking about the eclipse going over towns named Nineveh. I took it as offered until someone asked me a question about where X marks the spot on the map where the 1017 and 2024 eclipses cross.
I began researching and found some conflicting data. Keep in mind that, from my perspective, when someone says the eclipse is “going over” or “crossing over” it means located in the path of totality, where the sun is blocked entirely by the moon.
What I found is that there are only 2 towns named Nineveh which are in the path of totality. They are in Indiana and Ohio. The others are outside of the path of totality. Also, the one in Canada which was mentioned is not in the path either.
It is true that most of the US will be able to see some percentage of the eclipse, but the father away you are from the path of totality, the less will be seen.
There are other folks who have landed at this same conclusion, but it is not as widely offered, therefore not as widely known. Turns out that that someone traced this rumor of the Nineveh towns back to TikTok. Facts Matter.
A solar Eclipse ocurred on June 16, 1806 and another ocurred on September 17, 1811. They intersected at the town of Fremont in northwest Ohio.
On December 16, 1811, 2 months 29 days after the September 17 eclipse a series of earthquakes began and continued through March of 1812. There were over 2000 in the central midwest and between 6000- 10000 in the bootheel of Missouri Near the town of New Madrid.
Awesome post by the way!