Did Nikola Tesla Discover The Black Knight Satellite & Is It ET?
Nikola Tesla & The Black Knight Satellite
In 1899, while experimenting at his Colorado Springs laboratory, Tesla announced that he had received extraterrestrial broadcasting signals from space. The science community laughed off his claims and immediately used this to discredit him and call him crazy. The existence of cosmic radio signals was unknown at that time, so this was expected, as this man was lightyears ahead of the scientific community.
While he was in Colorado Springs observing stationary waves, he discovered strange radio signals from his receiver. After careful and thorough observations, he concluded that these signals were not from Earth and were not natural. Instead, they must have had intelligent origin from somewhere or someone in space. He reported this otherworldly communication and proclaimed his belief in extraterrestrials in February 1901 in the Colliers Weekly magazine in an article titled “Talking with the Planets.“
Is there documentation for the 1899 radio experiments?
His laboratory in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA was built in 1899 for his study of the use of high-voltage, high-frequency electricity in wireless power transmission. The laboratory possessed the largest Tesla coil ever built, 49.25 feet (15.01 m) in diameter, which was a preliminary version of the magnifying transmitter planned for installation in the Wardenclyffe Tower. He moved to Colorado Springs to study the conductive nature of low pressure air, part of his research into wireless transmission of electrical power.
The work of Nikola at his experimental station in Colorado Springs at the turn of the 20th century has been compiled and edited by Aleksandar Marinčić and Vojin Popović in a book called “Colorado Springs Notes, 1899–1900”. The book details the work of this genius at his experimental station in Colorado Springs and is published by Nolit: Beograd, Yugoslavia.
In addition, the CIA’s CREST Electronic Reading Room has published abstracts of scientific papers by Nikola, including some of his work on the 1899 radio experiments. Some of the work contained in the archive is only available in German, however, the vast majority is in English.
What is The Narrative for The Black Knight Satellite?
The Black Knight Satellite is a mysterious object that is believed to be an artificial satellite of extraterrestrial origin that has been orbiting the Earth for thousands of years.
The Black Knight Satellite theory claims that a spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin is in near-polar orbit of the Earth, and that NASA is covering up its existence and origin. This conspiracy combines several stories into one narrative. According to some UFO conspiracists, the Black Knight is an artificial satellite of extraterrestrial origin that has orbited Earth for approximately 13,000 years.
The origin of the Black Knight legend is often “retrospectively dated” back to natural extraterrestrial repeating sources allegedly heard during the 1899 radio experiments of this genius of our time.
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