Unpacking Tartaria Pt. 2 – Unexplained Architecture & Mysterious Technology

This is part 2 of the Tartaria Mystery where we go over Unexplained Architecture, the Phoenicians, and mysterious tech.

The globalized version of the Tartarian theory is based on an alternative, photographically proven view of unexplained architecture in  history. Adherents propose that demolished buildings such as the Singer Building, the original New York Penn Station, or the temporary grounds of the 1915’s World’s Fair were actually the buildings of a vast empire based in Tartary that has been suppressed from history. Sumptuously styled Gilded Age buildings are often held out as actually having been built by the Tartarian civilization. Other buildings, such as the Great Pyramids and the White House, are further examples of unexplained architecture.

Unexplained Architecture

The history of architecture traces the changes in architecture through various traditions, regions, overarching stylistic trends, and dates. The beginnings of all these traditions is thought to be humans satisfying the very basic need of shelter and protection. The term “architecture” generally refers to buildings, but in its essence is much broader, including fields we now consider specialized forms of practice, such as urbanism, civil engineering, naval, military, and landscape architecture.

Trends in architecture were influenced, among other factors, by technological innovations, particularly in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. The improvement and/or use of steel, cast iron, tile, reinforced concrete, and glass helped for example Art Nouveau appear and made Beaux Arts more grandiose and lend credence to many buildings of unexplained architecture.

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esoteric supernatural beliefs and practices which generally fall outside the scope of religion and science

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