The Magnetic Enigma of the Massive Black Knight Satellite & Nikola Tesla
In 1954, The New York Times reported that two satellites had been seen by Dr. Lincoln LePaz. That wouldn’t have been all that weird, except for the fact that there were no known satellites in orbit at the time. Some simply assumed that the Russians had launched one without any fanfare, but others believed that the newly-discovered Black Knight satellite was actually proof of aliens.
Their beliefs have been somewhat backed up by the fact that this was far from the only time the satellite had been spotted. It’s been claimed that even one astronaut has seen it. Let’s take a look at the mystery of the Black Knight satellite.
According to UFO investigators, the Black Knight Satellite is an artificial satellite of extraterrestrial origin that has orbited Earth for approximately 13,000 years. Black Knight lore is a conglomeration of completely related stories; reports of unusual science observations, authors pain-staking research, classified spy satellites and human interpretation of photos.
The origin of the Black Knight Satellite in legend is often “retrospectively dated” back to natural extraterrestrial sources documented during the 1899 radio experiments of Nikola Tesla and long delayed echoes first heard by amateur radio operator Jørgen Hals in Oslo, Norway, in 1928. Tesla’s 1899 radio signals transmitted to pulsars were not identified until 1968.
In February 1960, Time reported that the U.S. Navy had detected a dark object thought to be a Soviet spy satellite in orbit. In 1963, astronaut Gordon Cooper reported a UFO sighting during his 15th orbit in Mercury 9 that was confirmed by tracking stations.
In 1973, Scottish author Duncan Lunan analyzed the long delayed radio echoes received by Hals and others and speculated that they could possibly originate from a 13,000 year old alien probe located in an orbit around the Earth’s Moon. He suggested that the probe may have originated from a planet located in the solar system of star Epsilon Boötis.
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